Nothing conveys thoughts of sexy and smooth like Jodeci's first album. The kind of soul/r&b that was very new at the time. The thrilling sensation of hearing "Come and Talk to Me" for the first time was very similar to the first sip of Kopke 1997 Vintage Port that I tasted. This silky, smooth wine was elegant and seductive but still had a bit of a sleazy swagger (and I mean that in a good way).
Both are an experience that defines love, whether for man, woman, or wine. Each song on the album serves up seduction. Each glass of Kopke is a mouthfull of chocolate and fig flavors. These two were made for each other. You will find yourself staring with as much passion at the deep, dark ruby colors of the wine as you will on your significant (or temporary) other. I'm scared to think which passion will burn longer. I guess it depends on how much port is consumed.
All I know is that when I open a bottle of this wine and "Stay" begins to float out of the speakers, I feel as though I should be wearing a velvet robe of some kind and have plenty of lubrication available.
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